Approved Clinician Refresher

Presented by the Andrew Sims Centre’s established Mental Health Law multi-professional training team.

Attachment Narratives and CBT in Complex Cases

CBT has strong evidence based in treatment of depression, anxiety and PTSD. But when the problems are chronic, underlying attachment difficulties needs to be addressed.

Managing Depression in Older People

Depression is common in up to a third of older people and a chronic neglected disease.

Psychological Safety and Civility in the Workplace: A Workshop for NHS Teams

Psychological Safety and Civility in the Workplace: A Workshop for NHS Teams

Treating and Taming OCD

This presentation will highlight the importance of formulation in managing OCD, whether you are using pharmacological or psychological interventions, through detailed case studies.

Neuropsychiatry Teaching Day

The course is clinically focused and covers a range of core neuropsychiatry topics using lectures and small group case-based problem solving.

Why choose us?

The Andrew Sims Centre, part of Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, is a UK provider of continuing professional development (CPD) events. Our courses are for all medical and healthcare professionals working in mental health and learning disabilities services throughout the country.

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