Book Events

Essentials: Impact of Early Trauma on Emotions and Behaviours

The half day will focus on exploring the impact of early trauma on the development of the brain, and a child's attachment patterns.

Approved Clinician Induction

to 23 May 2024

Presented by the Andrew Sims Centre’s established Mental Health Law multi-professional training team.

Potential Severe Adverse Effects of Psychotropic Medication

Beyond well understood side effects of the medication we prescribe some can have severe long-term or even permanent serious adverse effects for our patients.

Section 12 Refresher

Presented by the Andrew Sims Centre’s established Mental Health Law multi-professional training team.

Masterclass: Parkinson’s Disease: The Spectrum of Physical and Psychiatric Health Issues

We will cover: the differential diagnosis of Parkinsonian syndromes and tremor; the pathophysiology and aetiology of Parkinson’s disease

Forensic Psychiatry Conference

This conference is led by multiple expert speakers.

Masterclass: Compassionate Leadership in Mental Health

This event will describe some attempts to work through what compassionate leadership looks like on the ground.

Non-Medical Prescribing: Maintaining Competence and Confidence

Non-Medical Prescribing: Maintaining Competence and Confidence. This workshop offers an update on all things prescribing.

Section 117 Mental Health Act 1983 - Why is it so complicated?

Section 117 Mental Health Act 1983 - Why is it so complicated & how to get what the patient needs?