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Time Management

Tuesday 22nd October 2019

The Met Hotel, King Street, Leeds, LS1 2HQ

9:00am Registration, 9:30am Welcome and 4:30pm Close


Time is the only finite resource, it cannot be reduced or increased. Effective management of time is made up of a combination of tools and techniques plus excellent soft skills. When used consistently and in a sustained way, optimum use of time on what really matters, happens. 

Presented by Bill Farrow, Iolair UK Ltd, this workshop is designed to help medical professionals with a large workload, ensure they are in possession of the skills, knowledge and attitudes to manage time as effectively as possible; in a way that recognises the importance of well-being and resilience to cope with pressure of work in the short, medium and long term.

Feedback from previous delegates:

"This was a good interactive session with the right balance of information, workshop and tools"

"It was really useful being given numerous theoretical frameworks to manage time"